It can be tough for businesses to get financing to access working capital when they have bad credit. Traditional lenders like banks will look at the business’s cash flow, profitability, and credit history before approving a bank loan. If the business or business owner’s credit is bad, traditional financing options are nearly impossible to find and have extremely high-interest rates. On the other hand, invoice factoring is an excellent option for businesses with bad credit or no credit.
Have Bad Credit but Require Financing?
At Porter Capital, we help businesses with bad credit find suitable invoice financing options.
Invoice Factoring With Bad Credit
Invoice financing, also known as invoice factoring, is an affordable solution for cash flow issues. With invoice financing, there is no new debt; therefore, no repayment and no interest rates. It merely gives you access to your working capital and builds up your cash flow based on your customer’s creditworthiness. Instead of looking at the business or business owners’ credit like traditional lenders, invoice factoring looks at the strength of the customers’ credit. The customer pays the invoice factoring company the invoice amount at the end of the payment term.
Benefits of Factoring for Businesses With Bad or No Credit
A significant benefit is that invoice factoring helps businesses build up or establish their credit. It provides consistent cash flow to stay on top of operational expenses or pay off existing debts. These cash advances can help you recover or build your business’s financial standing.
Invoice factoring also provides businesses with free credit checks on all their customers. This, in turn, will prevent businesses from working with bad debtors and risking not getting paid. If the customer has good creditworthiness, the factoring company will purchase the unpaid invoices and advance the money minus the factoring fee.
How Do Businesses Qualify for Factoring With Bad Credit?
The factoring company purchases the outstanding invoices of a creditworthy customer and advances a percentage of the cash upfront. Porter Capital advances up to 97% of the total invoice to its client within one business day. Once the customer pays back the factor at the end of the invoice payment term, the factor advances the rest of the invoice to its client, less the factoring fee.
There is usually a lengthy process to get approved for a bank loan that could take months before seeing any cash. An invoice factoring company approves you in as little as one business day, and you can start funding invoices instantly. The cash advance from factoring your invoices provides you with immediate access to your working capital instead of waiting for extended periods to get paid. So, if you have unpaid invoices sitting there, invoice factoring can advance you the money for them immediately.